MFSW Coding & Problem solving

1st generation SWCM
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MFSW Coding & Problem solving

Post by Xhorse »

Remeber - after coding, please switch ign OFF and discionnect main PLUG from MFSW module for 1-2sec, reconnect and check

1) Copy LBL file to C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Labels

Index B
Please know, LBL index "B" is only for V72 SW

Index B
Please know, LBL index "B" is only for V73 SW (9.05.2022)

Index B
Please know, LBL index "B" is only for V74 SW (20.05.2022)

2) With VCDS go to AutoScan and register new module 3D in Gateway Installation list (this can be disable from Autoscan)

00 - Voice Command button DISABLE
01 - Double operation of Voice Command button(short press MUTE / Long press Voice Command)
02 - Voice command as MUTE ONLY
03 - Voice Command as Voice Command (default)

ACC button
Mark ONLY if your car have ACC
If you not have ACC, but you use MFSW with ACC , DO NOT MARK

MFSW CCS control - New type - OLD type
This is new function, from SW V74
New type of ECU such as EDC17C64 use new type of CCS control
if your ECU is old type , DO NOT MARK
This functions is mostly for new Caddy 2018 with factory MODE button

If MFSW not have CANCEL button for CCS/ACC, you can not CANCEL your Cruise control from MFSW
If you have MODE or DAS, Travel Assistance button , older ECU not understand that
Enable CANCEL button from list , otherwise they stay not available
if you MFSW have CNL and MODE/DAS , CNL button is factory enable and enable MODE/DAS as CNL will make that button also available, so you can use 2 CNL buttons

BYTE 1 - older SW
Button illuminate - recommend to keep value 00 for default brightnest
FORCE MENU - this function help to fix "scroll MFA menu" if you can not scroll menu Left / right , please mark it
It happen for example when you code wrong SWCM, or you use TRIP button and you upgrate to MFSW
If all is working (scroll menu left /rights) no need to makr it

BYTE 1 from SW v72, V73, V74
BIT 0-3 - not need to do any changes if you use RED (PQ) backlights buttons
for MQB MFSW with White illuminate you can increaser illumination durring a night mode
BIT 4-6 - MK8 Touch buttons , they illuminate independent durring a day , to increaser illumination , please ajudts that BIT , no need to use if you use a typical buttons with graphic

This function allow you to FIX MFA menu scroll left / right after you move from TRIP computer stalk to MFSW for example
This function only fix scrolling menu in UDS cluster, it will not work with Micronas / RED display cluster
if no issue with scroll menu , no need to enable this, you can, but no need

0- MARK only if you use MFSW with CCS
1 – MARK if you use MFSW (always MARK)
2 – Some of BT module not recognize correct command from new MQB MFSW. Is recommend to translate it to OLD STYLE (MARK)
3 – MARK if you use MQB MFSW (5G0, 5TA etc.) . UNMARK if you use PQ xx MFSW (2K0, 6C0 )
4 – Latest CCS Status. This function help you remember latest CCS status after ignition OFF and ON
5 – Gateway Registration Module , If you UNMARK this , module 3D is no longer exist in Gateway Installation list, To get into 3D module you need to type manually „3D” address in window below

BIT 6-7
00- If NO DSG paddle
40- WITH DSG Paddle
80*- Custom output for DSG paddle

Diagnose and fix problem

No diagnostic with module , no response from module
Check soldering and /or if proper CAN wire solder to proper place
Check if proper power supply is connect , check LED power status
Connect manually via VCDS – type 3D and check if module respond
Then check coding in byte 4

Not working correct /buttons issue
Some MFSW from MQB must be code as PQ platform and reverse, simple check coding BYTE 2 , bit 1 & 3

Not detecting / not available as subsystem / not illuminate
1- Check if LIN LED is blinking , if not check LIN, Power , Ground connection if connect to MFSW buttons

2- Connect Airbag plug if you use Airbag line in SWCM (socket for Airbag plug in SWCM have short to ground PIN contact to discharge any ESD etc to not activate Airbag itself. When Airbag plug is not connect , socket simple connected all pins together and make a short to ground connection and discharge „electrostatics”

3- Check if Slip Ring is not damage, use multi-meter to check connection, also check if LIN wire and Power wire is not connect to any other wire (usually happen when slip ring damage inside). You can simple connect MFSW directly to module to test, use 3 wires GND, Power and LIN)

CCS not work/stop work ( DTC 4481 - Cruise Control Switch (E45)
Check coding in byte 0 and byte 3 and select proper coding for proper MFSW
Check if no issue with White / white/brown wire , check soldering of that wire

HORN issue
1- Check if you correct code SWCM (16th), some latest 5K0 module even if you code to NON MFSW they still looking MFSW, and not allow to operate HORN with direct connection. In this situation when you recede SWCM to Lowline and Horn start work itself you need replace SWCM to older HW / SW or add MFSW Emulator, and proper code
To check HORN with Low Line module configuration , simple connect together :
1K0/3C0 module - connect 7+8 when ignition is ON
5K0 953 569 module - connect 7+8 when ignition is ON(depend of coding)
5K0 953 549 module - connect 7+8 when ignition is ON(depend of coding)
or BRWN and Blue/White wires together to test

Can not scroll Cluster Menu left - right / scroll BT phone book jumping
6) Can not scroll Cluster Menu left - right / scroll BT phone book jumping
Check coding byte 1 – bit 7 , FORCE MFSW operation , re-connect battery , switch ignition ON and press many time RIGHT or LEFT button , cluster start response , you can keep this ENABLE for ever

BT phone book jumping - Check coding in BYTE 2 – MFSW old style frame

Measure buttons from CCS (Measure blocks)


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